Back to my roots. Big chop story…De regreso a mis raices. Historia de un gran corte


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My “relaxed” hair

 Why are you going natural?Porque al natural?

Good question. 
severe hair damage
Even though I was thinking about it for a long time I never fully decide to go natural until I HAVE TO. I learn the bad way  because of a bad perm on my hair, but now that I did it I realize lots of things like:

S. Buena pregunta

Aunque yo ya lo havia pensado desde hacia tiempo, nunca me decidi hasta que tuve que. Yo aprendi de la forma dificil por un desrizado mal aplicado, pero ahora varios aspectos tienen sentido, como:

I’m going natural because I’m tired of being a slave towards my hair by keeping my hair straight every week, spending lots of value of my time trying to keep an image that “I” as a black Latina wasn’t embracing. 
S. Al natural porque estoy cansada de ser esclava de mi pelo, manteniendolo liso todas las semanas, gastando tiempo valioso en tratar de mantener una imagen que “yo” como latina no estaba Aceptando.

Is gone!!
  • I’m going natural because I am finally conquer my fear about what  the rest of the world (including my culture) will say about me.
  • S. Al natural porque finalmente conquiste el miedo de lo que el resto del mundo (incluyendo a mi cultura)opine o diga de mi.. 

Mrs. Daily in Action

  • I’m going natural because I know what I want as an In depended and confident woman. but at the same time a woman that need to depend of God.


     S. Al natural porque Se lo que quiero y como mujer independiente y confiada de mi misma. Pero al mismo tiempo como una mujer que depende de Dios para dar cada paso en la vida
      What have I done? lol

    I’m going natural want to show my personality as soon as I go inside of a room full of people, I don’t even have to talk,I want my hair to say it all.
    S.Al natural porque quiero mastrar quiero mostrar mi personalidad y que cuando entre a una habitacio repleta de persona mi cabello lo diga todo



    My smile said it all!!!

    I‘m going natural because I want to embrace who I am. Indira. owner of Vakano Clothing 
     Al natural porque quiero aceptar quien soy como mujer.Indira       
    product used:  DailyCurlz oil mix to seal in moisture and ecostyler gel to define the curls

    Productos usados: Mezcla de aceites naturales Dailycurlz para sellar el humectante del agua y ecostyler gel para definir los risos..

    indira el la fundadora de vakano clothing 

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    1. You look great Indira. Please keep us posted on your journey.

    2. You rock that hairstyle. I am so scared to do the big chop. I want to so bad. Thanks and keep us posted.

    3. This is my second moth natural. I couldn’t be happier girls. I don’t even think about my straight hair any more. thanks for the support ladys.

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