Builds self-esteem and improves your curly creativity Reading! Little Bee


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This novel is a most curly, kinky, African origin most read..As the author said in the back of the book not to tell what this book is about and as I  don’t want to spoil your reading.. I most say first why a curly girl most read every day:

  1. Reading is an active mental process that improves your concentration and focus.
  2.  Improves your discipline and memory.
  3. Builds self-esteem and improves creativity.
  4. Reading improves your vocabulary and reduces boredom.
  5. Gives you a glimpse into other cultures and places of the world, so you always have something to talk about.

 and in this book you can do all that and more, It is extremely funny, but the African beach scene is terrify. The story starts there, but the book doesn’t. And it’s what happens afterward that is most important. And for immigrant, African black ground has an especial meaning, ok..NO MORE, lol.  Once you have read it, you’ll want to tell everyone about it. When you do, please don’t tell them what happens either. The magic is in how it unfolds.

Am sure you can find it in any book store also here 

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