
My Grandma Potion to cure the flu "Sharing is caring" / La pocima de mi abuela contra la gripe.


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I learned a lot from my grandma and I think most of the bad (really bad) times in my life wouldn’t happen if she would be alive; she passed away when I was 15 years old. 
I remember all those cute hair styles she did on my very long curly hair and how she used one lipstick to do a complete make up look, lol  
She was, as most of the women from a campo very wise and clever to cure almost every sickness or pain. The most famous one was the Onion and Honey potion to cure the Flu:
She cut red onions and mixed it with honey, let it stand for a day or two and then made me drink that liquid residue, I can’t say I liked it or that I drank it with a smile on my face, in fact most of the time she had the spoon in one hand and a chancleta in the other, hhahahhah but OMG its worked all the time.
We didn’t have all the accommodations in the farm like we have today, like Kleenex soft tissue share pack, and I am thankful for that, because a soft tissue does make a difference specially when you have little ones in the  house and flu attacks. 
I keep several Kleenex soft tissue share pack around the house, you never know when you may  desperately need one and being so soft and gentle for delicate noses I don’t need to make onion potions to my little princesses, hahhahhaha.
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This post is compensated and in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Kleenex, but the story picture and thoughts are all mine.


Aprenti mucho de mi abuela y creo que la mayoría de los malos (muy malos) momentos en mi vida no hubiesen pasado si ella estaría viva, ella murió cuando yo tenía 15 años de edad.
Me acuerdo de todos los estilos de pelo que me hacia en mi largo pajón rizo y de como utilizaba un solo pinta labios para hacerse un maquillaje completo, jajjja.
Ella era, como la mayoría de las mujeres del campo muy sabia e inteligente para curar casi todas las enfermedades o dolores. El más famoso era su pócima de cebolla y miel para curar la gripe:

Ella cortaba un cebolla roja y la mezclaba con miel, la dejaba reposar durante un día o dos y luego me hacia beber ese residuo, no puedo decir que me gustaba o que me lo tomaba con una sonrisa en mi cara, de hecho la mayoría de las veces tenía la cuchara en una mano y una chancleta en la otra, jajjaja, pero esra súper efectivo.

No teníamos toda las facilidades en el campo que tenemos hoy en día como los Kleenex soft tissue share pack, y gracias a Dios, porque unas servilletas de papel suaves haces la diferencia sobre todo cuando tienes niños en la casa cuando la gripe ataca.

Siempre tengo varios Kleenex soft tissue share pack por toda la casa, nunca se sabe cuándo necesitaras unos desesperadamente y como son tan suaves y delicados con esas naricitas, no necesito para hacer pociones de cebolla a mis princesitas, hahhahhaha.

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  1. Wow I can’t say I would love to drink that either, but if I was miserable with the flu, I would probably give it a shot. Thank goodness for abuelas and their home remedies xo

  2. Arnoldo Jimenez says:

    As a single father raising my two daughters, I cannot afford to miss a lot of days from work. For them I definitely have used this, but also add garlic to it. For me I use good old mamajuana. Have about four bottles, which are all different.

  3. Arnoldo J says:

    Oh and totally agree about the tissues. In August when I am going school supply shopping, I buy a big case from BJ’s with about twenty boxes. Then lay them practically in every corner of my apartment.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wow….all these years past by and I honestly thought my gma was the only person out there that made Onion Syrup! Man, I hated that stuff! but, at the same time it worked! or either I thought it did & was too afraid of saying it didn’t…..thx for sharing and God Bless

  5. What a great story and interesting combination! MY grandmas was big on the vicks vaporub over socks when we slept. I still do that today with my own children.

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