If you want great hair, keep a consistent hair routine


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if-you-want-great-hair-keep-a-consistent-hair-routineWith so much information and point of views openly expressed on social media, it is normal that we want to try whatever everyone else is doing or to go with the latest trend. But, the truth is, that “if you want great hair, keep a consistent hair routine”.

Developing a consistent hair care routine can be too tedious and lead to quick fixes that can leave us frustrated and make us spend more more that we should. Creating and maintaining a regular hair care routine is an investment that will pay off big time with shinier, healthier, and longer hair.

Last week, I tried a new hair product line and my results were a complete disaster. And don’t get me wrong, it was not the hair product line that was bad for my hair. What was a total disaster, was that I didn’t stick to my normal hair routine for a sake of doing things the way other people were doing it .

Your hair will stay in great condition. 
Many women skip steps in their hair care routine because they believe it will take too long. Actually, a great hair care routine shouldn’t take too long, but it is what it is and once you have a consistent hair routine, this should flow smoothly and shouldn’t take that long.

Consistency leads to visible results
Too often you will buy the latest hair products, then you use it a few times, you give up, and move on to another one. When you’re looking for miracle products, you will be disappointed. Great hair won’t happen overnight. It may take weeks of constant use to notice results. Take a daily dose of patient.

Don’t worry, once you see results, your hair will be easier to maintain.
I swear it only takes me like 20 minutes to have my hair ready -unless I am doing Deep Treatment, pre poo etc – Once you stick to a hair routine, you will notice amazing results. The key?  stay consistent with your hair regimen.

Its ok to experiment.
Yes, it is ok to experiment with new products and change the way you do things once in while. I do all the time here and there, but at the end of the day, my hair routine is still the same.
Shampoo and deep condition once a week.
Seal with oil, use leave-in conditioner and curl defining cream (or gel).

Yes I can, I do and will keep on changing my hair products, but I will never ever change my hair routine, because every time I have done it, it comes out a complete disaster.

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  1. Muy cierto amiga, debemos de tener una rutina constante y a la larga nos dara resultados, solo es cuestion de paciencia, se muy constantes, y asi lograremos que nuestro cabello se vea mas saludable, y hermoso.

    1. Daily Baez says:

      gracias pro el comentario amiga

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